Root Canal Treatment
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Also known as Endodontics, is a dental procedure designed to treat infection or decay that has occurred at the centre of the tooth. The structure of the tooth.:
  1. The Enamel, which is the hard outer coating of a tooth
  2. The Dentin a softer, bone-like material that supports the enamel
  3. The Pulp, which is the soft tissue at the centre of the tooth
The pulp has a path that runs down through the inside of the tooth into the gum & jawbone. This path is known as the ROOT CANAL.lace wigs uk

This treatment is designed to save the tooth and prevent the spread of infection. The damaged pulp is removed from the tooth & the root canal is then cleaned of all bacteria. After the bacteria has been removed, the root canal & pulp are filled in using an artificial substance, before being sealed.

Root canal treatment is commonly perceived as being a painful procedure but with us it is relatively painless & should be no more unpleasant than having a filling done.

When it should be done?
It only needs to be carried out when it is clear that the tooth pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection.

  Symptoms of pulp infections
» Tenderness or pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food & drinks
» Pain upon biting or chewing
» The gum near the affected tooth begins to swell
» Pus may ooze from the affected tooth
» Facial swelling
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